Business Description:
Elaine T. is an individual with over 50 years of experience trying to stay healthy and fit with numerous successes and failures. Her new enterprise has developed a product that includes work plans, success guides and formulas for getting fit with diet, exercise, and therapy to achieve her goals.
Industry and Market Description:
Elaine T. Enterprises History:
The Company was formed in 2010 by Elaine, who has significant experience as an individual who has had weight and health issues since childhood. These issues were both physical and mental and have ruled her life for decades. She has had many successful attempts losing weight with a 100% recidivism rate. She believes that the continued weight losses and gains are a direct result of not tackling the core emotional issues perpetuating beliefs and behaviors that are unhealthy, untrue, and a crutch that maintain her depressive moods and associated lifestyle. This new Company was formed to develop a product that will once and for all, put an end to these self destructive behaviors using new tools (for her) to conquer negative behavior patterns and, with the help of a therapist and new plans, reverse those patterns and ultimately achieve a healthier and happier Elaine.
Elaine T. Enterprises Products:
Our product is intended to be specific to Elaine and will include a combination of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, lifestyle modifications, eating habits, and exercise with the optimal goal of much improved health including weight loss, reduction in medications currently in use, and most of all, a healthy emotional view of herself. This product has no expiration date and is intended to be a combination of lifelong tools that are available at all times.
The Company is unique in that it intends to focus its marketing efforts totally on Elaine. Utilizing various methods such as a diet buddy and other friends, books, tapes, and therapists, etc., Elaine will be supported in her efforts to reverse a lifetime of sabotaging behaviors and achieve her goals with the firm knowledge that there will be setbacks, but not defeats.
The Company projects that results will be as follows with updates made on a quarterly basis:
Weight Loss: 100 lbs. over a 2 year period.
Exercise: Cardio 3 times per week for 30 minutes each, increasing to 1 hour within 6 months. Resistance training 2 times per week for 15 minutes each, increasing to 30 minutes within 6 months.
Therapy: Twice monthly, going to once per month when appropriate, depending on Elaine’s financial situation.
Anti-depressant Medication: Taken daily and reviewed with psychiatrist quarterly.
New Activities: As desires, motivation, and in some circumstances financial ability allows, new activities such as joining organizations of interest, meeting new people, volunteering, traveling and entertainment will be implemented.
Management Team:
President and CEO Elaine T.
Therapist Ellen Resnick, LCSW
Psychiatrist Dr. RC
Diet Buddy Liz H
Supporting Team Relatives and friends; dietician as needed; other doctors as needed
This company is entirely self funded, and as a result, it is of primary importance to keep costs down. The beauty of this business is that by achieving projections and maintaining and improving them year after year, the bottom line, as well as the waistline, and taxes will be reduced.
By virtue of achieving projections as indicated above, the following results will be achieved:
- Weight reduction
- Blood pressure reduction
- Cholesterol reduction
- Fewer medications
- Fewer doctor’s visits
- Healthier individual
- Lower medical costs
What are you doing to reduce?
Ellen is a psychotherapist in private practice in San Francisco and
Redwood City, California. She specializes in Cognitive Behavioral
Therapy and incorporates the use of mindfulness into the treatment of
depression, anxiety, and emotional overeating. She runs a holistic
weight loss program called Center for Thoughtful Weight Loss, You can email Ellen at
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