Tackle Super Bowl snacking like a pro!
"Don't drop the ball on your diet"-- Mike Jacobsen
"Don't drop the ball on your diet"-- Mike Jacobsen
My client, Donna, lost 150 pounds over the past two years. Here's her plan for Sunday:
"I am starting the day by doing the Kaiser 5K with a friend. Then when I go to the SB party, I will be in a better mind set to make excellent choices!!!! Whenever I go to parties I always bring food that I can eat."
Did you know the average person consumes 4200 calories on Super Bowl Sunday? It's the 2nd biggest food consumption day, second only to Thanksgiving.
So, what moves will you make to party responsibly?
· Start with an intention.
· What do you want the scale to say on Monday?
· Be honest- are you the kind of person who can splurge "just this once" without falling off the wagon or regretting your choices?
· Make the day more about enjoying time with family and friends and less about pizza, nachos, chicken wings and beer.
· If you are going to drink, alternate beer with water.
· Get a good workout in before the game.
· Use half time to get some stretching in. You can still watch The Black Eyed Peas perform.
Here's a link to the top websites for healthier yet delicious snack alternatives to enjoy during the Super Bowl:
Click here to view
Click here to view
Now that you have a good strategy for your food, let's strategize a plan to keep from getting overly stressed out about the score. Did you know that highly stressful events can cause heart problems? Who would have thought that watching the Super Bowl can be included in the same list as an earthquake? Erin Allday wrote in the San Francisco Chronicle this week that it's not just our usual cadre of Super Bowl snacks that can result in heart problems, but the stress of major sporting events as well. It makes sense though--when you're under emotional stress, your body is flooded with adrenaline which can cause the heart to enlarge and blood vessels to constrict.
So what's your best play? Make a plan and follow it. Party responsibly-- drink and eat in moderation. Oh, and don't forget do some deep breathing--it could just save your life!
Ellen is a psychotherapist in private practice in San Francisco and Redwood City, California. She specializes in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and incorporates the use of mindfulness into the treatment of depression, anxiety, and emotional overeating. She runs a holistic weight loss program called Center for Thoughtful Weight Loss, www.thoughtfulweightloss.com. You can email Ellen at ellen@thoughtfulweightloss.com.Copyright © 2011 Ellen N. Resnick, LCSW
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